We are excited to announce our Non Profit Women's Center to aid women who need help with counseling services, in domestic violence situations, cancer outreach program, and more to follow as we develop more resources, and find the needs of the women in our community.
Counseling Therapy Services now offered. Are you someone who has suffered with self-esteem issues, domestic violence/assault, life altering illness or other traumatic emotional difficulty? Counseling can help.
Our counselor is Diane Ashley (Masters Professional Counseling IP) Practices theoretic counseling orientation that is an eclectic Model based on Christian faith. Her Credentials include: *Masters of Professional Counseling- IP Liberty University. * Domestic Violence /Sexual Assault core training 2011 YWCA Walla Walla* Dialectic Behavior Therapy; Enright's Forgiveness Model *Ordained Minister Freedom Church of America * 15+ years experience in counseling and ministry*