Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Interested in working with us? Please read our Culture before applying!

What is “Culture”? Culture is the attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization. What is LeFore’s Culture? Our culture here is Christian based – meaning: we have prayer after meetings and social gatherings; we put the well being of others before ourselves, etc. We are a happy heart-felt bunch of people. We believe in encouraging and lifting each other up, helping to educate and share our experiences with one another. We are also funny, pranksters (at times), and practical! We all know that life is short, so why spend it squabbling with one another, we embrace our differences and let the rest go! A good laugh is healthy for everyone; we are not the type of spa that is snooty we have fun and enjoy each other! We are truly a team – what affects one, affects all. We are all geared to the same goals and making a difference in the lives of our clients. What is LeFore’s Culture is NOT: - Disrespectful – to each other or our clients - Gossipy – we keep what our clients talk to us about – confidential, it is a private conversation between a therapist and a client and we respect that. Also we do not talk ill of co-workers at all! - Rude/Snobby – everyone here is equal, we do not believe that anyone is better than another employee (everyone cleans the bathrooms in this spa!). - Selfish – we are not a “me me me” spa. No one person “owns” the clients. The clients are the Spa’s clients. We all are interchangeable as far as who works on the client. We all share and play fair. - Lazy – when there are no clients there is work to be done. Employees are to be busy, make sure the spa is clean, thank you notes have been written, etc. Some of LeFore’s Values: -Lead by example - Be a TEAM - Take responsibility (if you mess up – admit it – move on and fix it) -Be involved - Be tenacious - Be trustworthy and honest Why is “Culture” Important? Culture is like a fine wine, keeping the contents bottled up in a tight confined area keeps the wine fresh and improves the flavor over the years. Once the wine is exposed to air (in this example think of air as a person who likes to gossip), it slowly begins to “spoil” the taste of the wine, affecting not only what you poured into the glass but the whole bottle itself. The habits of one individual can affect and change the habits of an entire group. Culture is a constant work in progress we are always “tweaking” our attitudes to reflect the best in us and the spa!

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